
I’m glad you’ve come to my website. I hope you'll be interested in the short visuals on this page and be further intrigued to go further to learn and know more. You’ll find information about my experiences and what I have learned and shared in photos, books and talks. I also invite you to check out all the Spanish and Foreign Language books that have been published as well as all the Anthologies that include articles I've written. I believe that there is and should be a purpose to our lives.

Coming March 4, 2025
When we hold a newborn infant who comes into this world, each may seem to arrive with a soul and personality. We should or could wonder about them as they grow, as well as wondering about ourselves: will we follow a path with heart, do we have a soul and purpose?
If we stay attuned to soul and heart even in the midst of confusion or loss, we can learn and feel our way on course as long as we are still physically alive. Life experiences, synchronicity, and dreams help to us to choose what to do and as time passes, we learn about having a soul and living this life until we physically die. Many often learn after their death that though they are no longer physical beings, that they are still themselves. Some watch over, care about and try to help loved ones still here. Some are seen and heard, others are intuitively felt as presences. Many people have seen, felt, heard and been helped by such presences. And if so, they believe that when they die and leave their bodies, that they will be greeted soul to soul. Maybe so!
With love, hope, perseverance, trust and gratitude,

Jean Addressing the Community Plenary: Parliamentof World's Religions, Chicago, 2023
(8:16 minutes)
#2023PwWR Honored by Members of Women's Task Force Parliament of World's Religions, Chicago, 2023 (3 minutes)
Ever Widening Circles and Mystical Moments is my memoir that invites readers to journey through my life interwoven with personal experiences and historical events. The book begins with my childhood, marked by my Japanese American family’s forced relocation from California following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This experience—along with my early eye surgery and frequent moves to different states and schools where I was perceived as an “exotic other”—deeply impacted my worldview and led me to pursue a career as an author, activist, psychiatrist, and Jungian analyst.
Author Event on March 8 Book Passage Corte Madera with Jean Shinoda Bolen
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