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Welcome to my Website!

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Here you can find out what I will be doing and where I have put my energy, passion, creativity, and effort. It’s about being on a path with heart.  Activism and individuation (to find a meaningful, inner directed, chosen life-path) come together when the choices we make express who we are and who we are becoming. Once we believe that there is a purpose to life and that we have a soul, then what we do with our life, matters.

Archetypes, dreams and synchronicities provide depth and direction, especially during times of transition when one phase of life shifts into the next. When soul and purpose come together, when we follow a path with heart, then we are on course.

Listen to my interview with Jack Canfield
about my
upcoming memoir,

Ever Widening Circles & Mystical Moments

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Marquis Who's Who Interview With Jean Shinoda Bolen

Like a Tree by Jean Shinoda Bolen
Artemis book by Jean Shinoda Bolen

With love, hope, perseverance, trust and gratitude,

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