Past Events: 2014-2016
2016 Events
Jan. 7-14, 2016: Havana, Cuba: Cuba: Myth, Music & Spirit: Sponsored by
The New York Center for Jungian Studies
Jan. 11-16, 2016: Feminine Leadership Activation Summit: Jan 15 Jean’s Interview
Jan. 30, 2016: Online Course sponsored by The Shift Network: Goddesses in
Everywoman: How Discovering Your Natural Archetype Can Liberate Your
Feb. 11, 2016: Houston, TX: Houston Grand Opera, The Ring Cycle – Siegfried
Evening Lecture: Siegfried the Lonely Hero and Self-Made Man:
A Psychological & Symbolic Understanding of Siegfried
Feb. 12-13, 2016: Houston, TX: Houston Jung Center:
Lecture: Artemis Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Archetype of the
Activist & Feminist
Workshop: Path with Heart, Heart as Compass, Heart-Activism
Feb. 19-20, 2016: Happehatchee, FL: Sponsored by Happenhatchee Center
Friday Lecture: Artemis: Goddess, Archetype & Source of Meaning & Activism
Saturday Workshop: Path with Heart, Heart as Compass, Heart-Activism
March 14-24, 2016: New York City: UN Commission on the Status of Women
June 25-July 2: Helena, MT: Feathered Pipe Ranch:
Women’s Week-long Retreat: River of Life: Water, Moon, Yin
July 22-24, 2016: Stockbridge, MA: Kripalu Center Retreat: Workshop: Artemis
Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Archetype of the Activist & Feminist.
August 28-Sept. 2, 2016: Kyoto Japan: The International Association for
Analytical Psychology XX International Congress:
World Soul in Transition, Earth and Humanity in Crisis:
A Jungian-Activist Perspective
2015 Events
January 28, 2015: Mt. View, CA: East West Book Shop: Talk & Book Signing:
The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
Feb. 13-15, 2015: Seattle, WA: Women of Wisdom Conference:
Feb 13 Keynote: The Indomitable Spirit in Women:
The Goddess, Archetype & Inner Child
Feb. 28, 2015: Seattle, WA: Seattle University Book Festival
March 9-20, 2015: New York: UN Commission on the Status of Women:
March 10 Lecture: Indomitable Spirit in Activists and the Archetype of Artemis
March 12 Morning Panel: Every Woman, Every Right, Everyone is Responsible:
The Time is Now
March 12 Afternoon Panel: Women and Girls Empower One Another: Lessons
Learned from Beijing Forum and the Women’s Movement”
March 14, 2015: Fairfield, CT: Sacred Heart University: Luncheon & Lecture:
Indomitable Spirit in Activists & the Archetype of Artemis
March 28, April 4 and 11, 2015: The Intelligent Optimist Webinar: Online Course
Artemis: Goddess, Archetype, Inner Child, Activist
May 30, 2015: Berkeley, CA: The Dream Institute Workshop: Artemis: Goddess,
Archetype, Source of Meaning and Activism
June 20-27, 2015: Helena, MT: Feathered Pipe Ranch Week-Long Retreat:
River of Life: Water, Moon, Yin: A Women’s Retreat
August 16-21, 2015: Big Sur, CA: Esalen Institute 5=Day Workshop:
“Your One Wild and Precious Life: A Deepening Gathering for Women"
Oct. 15-19, 2015: Salt Lake City, UT: The 2015 Parliament of World Religions
Speaker Session on Oct. 15
Oct. 18, 2015: Salt Lake City, UT: Conversation between Jean and Terry Tempest
Williams: “Deepening Conversation, Finding Common Ground: Circles with
a Spiritual Center”
Nov. 3, 2015: Los Angeles, CA: USC Dept of Psychiatry Grand Rounds:
Jean’s Presentation: The Mythology of Artemis and the Psychology of
Women who Personify this Archetype.
Nov. 27-28: London, England: Jung Club London:
Friday Evening Lecture: Artemis the Archetype Liberated by the Women’s
Saturday Seminar: Path with Soul/Path with Heart: The Inner Compass
Dec. 1-3, 2015: Barcelona, Spain: Spanish Edition of Artemis Media & Event
Tuesday, Dec. 1: Book Presentation
Wednesday: Workshop: Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman
Dec. 4-6, 2015: Rome, Italy: IAAP: Analysis & Activism Conference: Social and
Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology
Saturday Breakout: Artemis, Archetype Liberated by the Women’s Movement
Dec. 4-6: 2015: Rome, Italy: Piu Libri Book Fair:
Dec. 6 Introduction to Italian version of Artemis, The Indomitable Spirit
in Everywoman
2014 Events:
March 6, 2014: San Rafael, CA: FEMME: Women Healing the World Screening:
Speakers: Emmanual Itier and Jean Bolen Sponsored by UNA-Marin
March 10-21, 2014: New York UN Commission on the Status of Women
March 10: Panel: What Will It Take to Have a UN Global Conference on
Women? Panelists: Ambassador Anwariu Chowdhury, Musimbi Kanyoro,
Nyaradzayi Gumbonizvanda, Jean Bolen: Moderator: Rosemary Williams
March 28-30, 2014: San Antonia, TX: Assoc. for the Study of Women & Mythology
(ASWM): Borderlands: Scholarship as Pilgrimage and Mystery.
Panel: In Celebration of Goddesses in Everywoman
May 10, 2014: San Francisco, CA: SGI: Culture of Peace
Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series: "The Original Meaning of Mother's
Day: Mother Power & Mother's Agenda"
June 21-28, 2014: Helena, MT: Feathered Pipe Ranch with Barbara McAfee:
Path with Soul: Trusting an inner Compass
July 11-13, 2014: Santa Barbara, CA: Pacifica Graduate Institute:
Goddesses in Everywoman, Gods in Everyman: Archetypes in Depth
Psychology & Soul Work
July 16, 2014: Corte Madera, CA: Book Passage: Talk & Book Signing:
Goddesses in Everywoman
July 25-27, 2014: Stockbridge, MA: Kripalu Center Retreat: Artemis,
Women’s Circles & Sacred Feminine: A Women’s Retreat
Sept. 5-6, 2014: San Jose, CA: Cancer as a Turning Point Conference:
Sponsor: Healing Journeys
Open Talk: “The Story We are Living and the Meaning We Make of it.”
Evening with Jan Adrian, Emmett Miller, Susan Mazer and Dallas Smith
Sept. 19, 2014: Corte Madera, CA: Book Passage: Talk & Book Signing:
Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman.
Sept. 26-27, 2014: Victoria, BC: Jung Society of Victoria:
Friday Lecture: The Meaning We Make of the Numinous
Saturday Workshop: Path with Soul, Path with Heart: The Inner Compass
Oct. 3-4, 2014: Charleston, SC: The Sophia Institute Women’s Retreat:
Transforming our Lives; Transforming our World: Archetypal Sources of
Wisdom, Spirituality and Activism
Friday Lecture, Saturday Workshop
Oct. 17-19, 2014: San Rafael, CA: Bioneers Conference: Panel:
Archetypes in Everywoman: Panelists: Anneke Campbell, Jean Bolen,
Luisah Teish, Sri Swamini Svatmavidyananda
Nov. 3-5, 2014: Geneva, Switzerland: UN Economic Commission for Europe:
Regional Review of the Status of Women 20 Years After the Beijing
Platform for Action:
Nov. 4 Roundtable: Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women
Nov. 14-21, 2014: Big Sur, CA: Esalen Institute Sponsored by Seattle University:
Nov. 14-16: Workshop: Artemis: The Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman:
Guide to Authenticity and Meaning
Nov. 16-21: Workshop: Goddesses and Gods in Everyone: Archetypes in Depth
Psychology & Soul Work