Past Events - 2018-2019

September 27-28, 2019
Eugene, Oregon
Eugene Friends of Jung
Lecture and Workshop
Lecture: At the Crossroad with Hecate
Lecture: Friday, September 27th, 2019
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. At the Crossroads with Hecate
Eugene Public Library, the 2nd floor
This Friday Lecture is free for all attendees.
When major shifts happen in relationships, work, status, or health,
we are in transition, no longer who we used to be in some significant way.
This is when we can be at a major crossroads with Hecate
ancient Goddess of the Crossroads, archetype of the wise woman.
Workshop: Activism, Individuation and the Self
9:30 am - 3:30 pm at The Downtown Athletic Club
999 Willamette St., Eugene
$75.00 for all attendees; Student cost is $50 with i.d.
4.75 CEUs will be available for the workshop
​* Pre-registration is encouraged. To register, see below.*
In Moving Toward The Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women’s Movement, I wrote that a cause may come along “with your name on it,” if you can answer yes to three questions from within: it is meaningful to you? Will it be fun? and Is it motivated by love? It’s fun to be with others who share your values and work together for good, which is also to be in good company. While it takes courage to speak truth to power, I know that it often takes more courage to speak truth one to one and be vulnerable. This also is “Activism.” Activism reveals truth and character, it takes the risk of loss or disillusionment, and grief which can follow. In my broad understanding of activism, it is necessary for “individuation,” a Jungian concept of becoming authentically yourself; or who you were meant to be. Activism can also be expressed through creative acts of expression in writing, theater, visual arts, and films.
October 18-20, 2019

San Rafael, CA
Bioneers 20th Annual Conference
Seeding the Field - Growing Transformative Solutions
Panel: Global Networks of Women: How "She-Power is Connecting Across
Nations to Leverage Learning and Change
Participants: Clare Dubois, founder and CEO of TreeSisters;
Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder/President of the Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus;
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, activist and author;
Margaret Zhou, Partnerships Manager for International Rivers
DETAILS: Saturday, October 19 2:45-4:15 pm
LOCATION: Marin Center
Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium
10 Avenue of the Flags
San Rafael, CA 94903

New York, NY
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 63)
Priority theme: Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure
for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
March 9: The Alchemy of Women & Girls’ Collective Wisdom and Power
Co-hosted by The Alchemy of Women’s Power, Circle Connections, Earth Child Institute, S.A.R.A.H.,
The Charter for Compassion Women and Girls sector, Union With the Heart, United Religious Initiative
Registration is Required, please click here to register:
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Venue: Henry Street Settlement
301 Henry Street
New York, NY 10002
March 15: UN CSW NGO Parallel Event
Panel: Women Rise! From Marches to #MeToo to Empowerment
Sponsor: Women's World Summit Foundation
(Elly Pradervand is the founder and Executive Director. Jean is permanent Representative to CSW New York)
Time: 8:30 AM
Venue: 4W43 Social Hall
4 W 43rd Street (off 5th Avenue) NY 10036
March 11-22, 2019

Santa Cruz, CA
1440 Multiversity Campus
Weekend Workshop: Women's Spirit: The Fire Within Ignited
Women’s indomitable spirit and fire have many similar qualities: spirit and fire are expressed in creativity, spirituality, and sexuality, or in outrage and activism. Like fire it can be intense and focused, blaze up and be seen, be dormant, covered with ash like banked coals, provide light and warmth to illuminate a sacred space, or become destructive and out of control.
800 Bethany Drive, Scotts Valley, CA - Santa Cruz, CA 95066

February 8-10, 2019
November 13-15, 2018

The Shift Network
The Dreamwork Summit, a free global teleconference, featuring 20+ experts in the field over three days.
November 13 -15, 2018

November 1-7​, 2018
November 1-7, 2018, Toronto, Canada
Parliament of the World's Religions (PWR)
Theme: For a More Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Center
Attending with conveners of the Millionth Circle
Thursday, November 1, 2018, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
The Alchemy of Women's Collective Wisdom and Power
Pre-Conference event: separate from PWR registration,
all other events included in PWR registration
Registration required +$20 - Password is ALCHEMY
Delta Hotel by Marriott, 73 Lower Simcoe, M5J 3A6, Toronto
Friday Nov. 2, 2018 - 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM - Rm 201AB
How to Start a Circle and Circle Organization
Saturday, Nov, 3, 2018 - 12:15-1:45 PM - Rm 201F
Wa’akwa Kerlathenhs: We Rise Together:
Sacred Circles Healing and Empowering Women and Girls
Saturday, Nov., 3, 2018 - 4:15-5:45 pm - Rm 717B
The Inaugural Women’s Assembly Major Speakers Legacy Session
Saturday, November, 3, 2018 - 5:15-6:00 pm - Festival Stage
Readers Theater: Women, Power, and Peace
Sunday, Nov. 4, 2018 - 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM - Rm 709
Women's Coalitions Addressing Global Problems
Monday Nov. 5, 2018 - Rm 718A - 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM
She of a Thousand Names....The Great Mother and More

October 10, 2018
V2020 WEBINAR: Charter for Compassion
Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. -
The Alchemy and Power of Women's Collective Wisdom in Circle
V2020 is a campaign to elevate the voices of women and girls everywhere by acknowledging an 18th Sustainable Goal of self-examination. The Purpose of this series is to prepare ourselves and the world for the year 2020. charterforcompassion.org/v2020
August 20-24
Global Teleconference: The Shift Network Second Annual Summit Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire and Fulfillment after 50
Shift Network Online Teleconference
(Email announcement will be sent out on August 7, 2018)
August 24-26
2018 Oxford Conference: The Still Point and the Turning World
Worcester College, Oxford, UK
Speakers: Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. and Monika Wikman, Ph.D:
Emergence of Feminine Wisdom and the End of Patriarchy: the Process of Evolutionary Change in Individuals and Humanity – Jean
One thousand years ago, the unfinished story of wounded Fisher King, the Wasteland, and the mysterious Grail absorbed the storytellers of the eleventh century. The wheel of time turns, and now at the beginning of the 21st Century, humanity and planet are in crisis: Chinese pictograph for Crisis combines two characters: Danger + Opportunity. Patriarchy has brought humanity and the planet to the brink of destruction, at the same time that humanity could be at the threshold of evolutionary psychological and spiritual transformation with the emergence of the feminine. When new life is emerging through the birth canal, the most dangerous phase is called “transition.” This is where we are now.
Moving Toward the Millionth Circle -- Jean
It began with an Aha! that led Jean to write The Millionth Circle (hundredth monkey, millionth circle—Bingo!). The book seeded circles with a sacred center. inspired the Millionth Circle Initiative, brought her to the UN in 2002, and led to her advocacy for a UN 5th World Conference on Women (5WCW), the first since Beijing 1995 and internet communication. Jung’s collective unconscious and Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field theory provides an understanding of how deep change happens at the archetypal level. Soul journey, individuation, “assignment,”
Where the Spirit of these Times meets the Spirit of the Depths: Emergent Dreams Revisioning the Collective and Individual Psyche” — Monika
When we hold space for the spirit of the times to meet the spirit of the depths, as Jung articulated it, in our own experience, dreams, and active imagination we may become more able to witness and be present in the world as it is. Fresh connection with the deeper psyche and psychoid helps us discover new ways of being, witnessing, and healing with the living waters of the psyche, for the good of all sentient beings, so imperative in these times. We will consider a number of unique visionary dreams that address the individual and the collective specific to these times. With the reality of the invisible worlds that inform our dreams, we will look to the guidance and revelatory presence in the deeper psyche to help us once again, find our humble transformative place in the family of things.
Prayer for the World Soul: Experiences of Ash and Its Alchemical Mysteries - Monika
Life brings each of us human experiences of grief, loss, death, and the resulting openings in these experiences to the psyche where healing and greater wholeness may emerge. Jung wrote, “we are threatened with universal genocide if we cannot work out the way of salvation by a symbolic death.” (Jung, Letters Vol. I, p. 586.) Ash takes us into the realms of symbolic death mysteries. Meditations on the alchemy on ash open us to the mysteries of the soul and spirit that may be at work during times of loss, grief and change in our individual lives and in the collective. We will meditate on the mysteries of ash via myth, dream, fairy tale, film, and life where we may discover the profound presence of the greater psyche emerging from the ash, and the gifts that emanate into our world from these experiences.